News & Publications
Joint Enterprise will publise news and articles so as to keep informed all our service users
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Self Emplyment, 01.01.2016
If you start working for yourself, you’re classed as a sole trader - even if you haven’t yet told HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
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​Self Assessment, 01.01.2016
End-of-year paper tax returns will be scrapped in favour of "real-time" online accounts by 2020, Chancellor George Osborne announced..​
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In-Work-on-a-low-income, 01.01.2016
If you are in work but on a low income, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.

Try the calculator on the HMRC website
Estimate how much Income Tax and National Insurance contributions you can expect to pay on your income – and find out how this money gets spent by the Government. The calculator is aimed at people who pay tax through Pay As You Earn (the system used by employers and pension providers to deduct tax from your wages or pension). It's free and easy to use.
There’s also an app that you can download to an iPhone, compatible android style phone or iPad. Download the iPhone app from the Apple App Store and the android app from Google Play.
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Income tax season starts Jan. 19 01. 01.2016
Tis the season - to file taxes. The 2016 individual income tax filing season opens Jan. 19. The Internal Revenue Service expects that more than 150 million tax returns will be filed this year. “We estimate receiving 4.7 million total tax ...