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Use of Force Thinking Smarter

In Light of the George Floyd incident, (BBC, 2020) and more recently the disturbances in Brixton (Standard, 2020).

Public debating is calling for tougher measures, tougher laws, tougher attitudes (CNN, 2020), we believe it’s time to be thinking smarter, and Passing the Baton offers a new way for both parties, Citizen and State in the communities to be connected and, while at the same time, the community can gain insight into the procedure of the Police Use of Force, as we refer to the training manuals published by the Ministry of Justice, (Justice, 2020) and Police UK College (, n.d.), as we also question, “How the cameras can be used in police training, management, and internal investigations to improve police performance, accountability, and legitimacy in the community,” (Lockhart, 2019).

Booted and Rooted  Believe that Passing the Baton will, they envisage, mobilise the community, of which, they want to Increase understanding about the Police use of force (HMIC, n.d.), build trust between authorities and community (Police, 2020), and reduce assaults against Police, By thinking smarter and working together, our public participation with the community will involve, fact sheets and packs, and when permitted, workshops, public meetings, and open houses. (Goverment, 2019),

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